Let’s talk about a book that ripped my skin open

and poured salt all over the wound. I am definitely not over it. This novel is Dark Academia and I am weirdly drawn to that story theme. I love Dead Poet’s Society and Kill Your Darlings. I love films about literature and academia. But, these are not the only reasons why I love this novel. I like the relationship between the characters and the drama.

Goodreads: On the day Oliver Marks is released from jail, the man who put him there is waiting at the door. Detective Colborne wants to know the truth, and after ten years, Oliver is finally ready to tell it.

Ten years ago: Oliver is one of seven young Shakespearean actors at Dellecher Classical Conservatory, a place of keen ambition and fierce competition. In this secluded world of firelight and leather-bound books, Oliver and his friends play the same roles onstage and off: hero, villain, tyrant, temptress, ingénue, extra. But in their fourth and final year, the balance of power begins to shift, good-natured rivalries turn ugly, and on opening night real violence invades the students’ world of make believe. In the morning, the fourth-years find themselves facing their very own tragedy, and their greatest acting challenge yet: convincing the police, each other, and themselves that they are innocent.

This book captivated me and had me on the edge of my seat. I couldn’t stop reading it and I had to know what would come next. I felt all kinds of emotions. When I finished, I collapsed on the bed and made ugly, pathetic sounds. How can fictional characters affect me so much? I was obsessed! I couldn’t sleep! Days passed and I was still very affected. I love books that bother me. This would make a good movie adaptation, but hopefully with more diversity. Representation is important. ☾

A Thousand Splendid Suns

About five minutes ago, I read the last words of A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini. I have read plenty of novels that have made me sad but A Thousand Splendid Suns was different. I was very sad while reading. It’s not a story that gives a promise for happiness. This book is about a life that is real for so many people. It made me feel weak and powerless. I felt so many things. When you read books, you experience things. It was not a comfortable experience, I must say. I have not felt hatred this intense for a fictional character before. The character that I am specifying made me feel caged as though this was the intention of the author. I don’t know. But, let me just say that this is a great novel. I rated it five stars.

I admire Khaled Hosseini very much. He gave the world two strong characters that you can’t help but cry about. Thinking about it now, I’m going to miss these characters and I must be reminded that they aren’t real and suffering somewhere, but at the same time, they are real and suffering somewhere in this world of ours. This novel definitely made me angrier than before (and that is saying something). It made me angry for women everywhere. “We are not less than men”, I repeated so many times in my head as I engaged in arguments with fictional characters. I really need to read fluff after this. I truly recommend this book! You have to read it. You’re going to love it! ☾