august 18

Doctor Sleep

I’ve been sick for a week now. I don’t really know what was wrong with me but now I’m left with horrible coughing. I haven’t left the house since, well I don’t actually remember, so I badly wanted to go out yesterday. I was at the mall with my good friend Reika and my brother Sam when we saw Doctor Sleep at the cinema. I was so excited. I pointed and told my friend that I wanted to watch that and asked her if she has watched The Shining before. She hasn’t. So we went back home and watched The Shining before going back to the cinema for Doctor Sleep.

I was so excited the whole time. It was a really good idea to watch The Shining before Doctor Sleep. It was the best idea! I wish I invited our other friends but I haven’t been a people person lately. Reika was excited too when she realized she knew a bunch of facts about The Shining. We watched the best parts before heading out.

I love going to the movies without watching the trailer of the movie. I did it with Us too. I never read The Shining or Doctor Sleep but I am planning on doing that. So what I knew about the movie was just The Shining that I watched and that it was about Danny. I am so glad I watched it because until today I am still raving about it.

Mike Flanagan is becoming one of my favorite filmmakers. He created Haunting of Hill House and now Doctor Sleep. I feel like we have the same tastes. The Haunting is a favorite of mine that I watch over and over again. After finishing the first season, I burst into tears. The characters moved me so much and he did the same with Doctor Sleep.

He gave The Shining an excellent tribute with this movie. The way they recreated some of the scenes was so amazing. The actors did an amazing job. It was like watching The Shining again. I have nothing but good things to say. Ewan McGregor and Kyliegh Curran were so great and I have a new appreciation for Cliff Curtis.

Stephen King is someone I truly admire. The way he writes his stories are a different sort of magic that gets to your head and stays there for a while. He is one of my favorite writers for a reason.

I saw someone post about how Doctor Sleep was Mike Flanagan’s love letter to Stephen King’s The Shining and that is exactly how I felt about it. This movie ignited something inside of me. After watching it I wanted to read more books, consume more stories! It’s so amazing how someone’s creation can move others. Me and my friend are still blow away by how good it was for us. I can’t wait to watch it again. I guess I want to say, thank you for this movie. ☾

Photos from Budapest

My brother went to Budapest for a Biology Competition. He’s cool like that. We’re very proud of him. The only thing I wanted from him was for him to take photographs of everything. I gave him pointers. I don’t think he listened but he did a good job anyway. I’m allowed to share them so please enjoy!


On Monday morning, I accompanied my friend to a Japanese language school. While walking we had a conversation about horror films and books. I mentioned Us to her and she said we should watch it. It was good timing too because the movie just started when we arrived and we caught the opening.

After watching the first ten minutes, I turned to her and whispered, “This is so good.” The music playing during the opening was hair-standing creepy and we didn’t really know what to expect from it. I think not knowing anything about a movie is the best thing! I mean, yes, I watched the trailer but that really didn’t say much. They have murderous doppelgangers and that’s all I knew about it.

This movie is amazing and frightening! Some parts are also funny but that didn’t help with my paranoia after leaving the cinema. I can’t help how I feel! I have been in love with Lupita Nyong’o’s existence ever since I saw her on the red carpet wearing that blue dress, looking like a Disney princess! After I saw this movie, I think they should just give her all the awards now. Also her performance was chilling and I’m a little afraid of her. That’s how good she is. Also those kids are really scary too. Even though this movie was scary, I want more from it? Like, I need more. It’s perfect the way it is, but I am curious! This is a movie like no other and you should definitely not miss it! ☾

Favorite Fantasy Films

This list will not include my favorite super hero films, animated, or films about witches. I plan on making a different posts for those.

The Lord of the Rings Trilogy

These series of films is surely on everyone’s list of favorite fantasy films. If anyone disagrees, I am very curious as to why. Very curious. Aside from the series’ lack of diversity, it was almost perfect. They have won a lot of awards from various organizations. For their last film, they won 11 Oscars. That is amazing! I’m a little bit sad that I was too young then to appreciate that. Hollywood, to me, seems like it’s having a hard time turning Fantasy into great films. The Lord of the Rings franchise was IT. The scenery! The music! Costume and Make-Up! Everything was so beautiful and now I’m crying. I just really want some people to create more fantasy films this way. Please.


I don’t know if Stardust is well known film but it’s amazing! From what I have heard, the book is so much better than the film. I haven’t read the book. I’ve only watched the film, but now I want to read it. I loved this film because it was different from other fantasy films. The gowns here are so beautiful. Especially Yvain’s blue dress. I loved the wicked witches and the pirates with the flying ship! I seriously want more fantasy pirate films. Watch this movie!

Pan’s Labyrinth

Pan’s Labyrinth by Guillermo del Toro is one of the most beautiful films I have ever seen! This film was beautiful, frightening, and devastating. When I watched it the first time it really scared me but I was also captivated by it’s creatures. This is my favorite Guillermo del Toro film. I like it more than Shape Of Water which I also love. This story might break your heart but it’s worth it.

Harry Potter series

Wait, wait. I can’t believe I almost didn’t include Harry Potter in this. Harry Potter is the movie/book that got me into obsessing over Fantasies. It got me through so many bad moments during my childhood. It was my life. I loved how this kid, who was unloved, realizes that there is a whole other world for him and he belongs. I still wish I was a real Hogwarts student.

The Mummy and The Mummy Returns

What can I say? I love Brendan Fraser and ancient curses. Rachel Weisz was the most beautiful woman to me. I wanted to be her. A librarian? A dream! Her character, Evelyn Carnahan, is one of my favorite characters in a movie. She reminds me of Hermione Granger with her love of knowledge and ancient artifacts. You’ll love her even more in the second movie. She’s amazing! I really want Rachel Weisz in more action films. Come on now. Come on!

Bram Stoker’s Dracula

I love Classic vampires. This is one of my favorite vampire movies. I love how dramatic everyone is. When I was a child I wanted to be this dramatic. Saying Oh! before a name like, “Oh! Jonathan!” That was the dream. My dream was to be a damsel. Anyway, watch this movie.

I will end this list with Dracula because it’s getting too long and there are more in mind. Fantasy is my escapism. It inspires me and gives me comfort. I am thankful for it. ☾

Let’s talk about a book that ripped my skin open

and poured salt all over the wound. I am definitely not over it. This novel is Dark Academia and I am weirdly drawn to that story theme. I love Dead Poet’s Society and Kill Your Darlings. I love films about literature and academia. But, these are not the only reasons why I love this novel. I like the relationship between the characters and the drama.

Goodreads: On the day Oliver Marks is released from jail, the man who put him there is waiting at the door. Detective Colborne wants to know the truth, and after ten years, Oliver is finally ready to tell it.

Ten years ago: Oliver is one of seven young Shakespearean actors at Dellecher Classical Conservatory, a place of keen ambition and fierce competition. In this secluded world of firelight and leather-bound books, Oliver and his friends play the same roles onstage and off: hero, villain, tyrant, temptress, ingénue, extra. But in their fourth and final year, the balance of power begins to shift, good-natured rivalries turn ugly, and on opening night real violence invades the students’ world of make believe. In the morning, the fourth-years find themselves facing their very own tragedy, and their greatest acting challenge yet: convincing the police, each other, and themselves that they are innocent.

This book captivated me and had me on the edge of my seat. I couldn’t stop reading it and I had to know what would come next. I felt all kinds of emotions. When I finished, I collapsed on the bed and made ugly, pathetic sounds. How can fictional characters affect me so much? I was obsessed! I couldn’t sleep! Days passed and I was still very affected. I love books that bother me. This would make a good movie adaptation, but hopefully with more diversity. Representation is important. ☾

A Beautiful Afternoon

I hope you don’t forget to be kind to yourself and take some time off from whatever makes you forget to breathe or whatever makes you feel sad. I know being alone is the best for you most of the time, but there is a beauty outside that can make you feel a bit of comfort. You just have to find it. When my friends messaged me about going out for a drive and a walk, I knew that was what I exactly needed. These photos help remind me of good feelings.


Bram Stoker’s Dracula


I do not remember when I first watched 1992 film Dracula, but I was very young. It was scary to young me. It was also captivating. To the current me, Keanu Reeves’ accent almost makes this film seem like a parody… among other things. I’m not saying I hate the film. I love the film. I LOVE it. It’s experimental and beautiful. It is definitely more exciting and genuine than the novel. Yes, I said it. The movie is better than the book. Also the book was racist and really fucking sexist. “Mina has a brain of a man.” Ew. 


I do understand (but not really) the lifestyle and thinking of these people during those days. It took me a long time to finish this book. It’s a shame. I would’ve enjoyed it more if I finished it in one sitting. It had a lot of exciting parts. It is different from the film, so that was really nice. It was nice to look at that world in a new way. I wonder what I’m going to be reading next! ☾

four movies

I have been watching a lot of films. I enjoyed every single one of them! 2018 is the year of so many great movies and I plan on watching all of them! My eyes were very happy with the cinematography and I kind of want to share them too. Here are the movies I watched!

Destination Wedding | When I heard that Winona Ryder and Keanu Reeves are going to be in a film together again I was very excited. This is already their fourth movie together! Can you believe? They are both great artists that everyone can’t but love. I really wondered about this movie because Winona and Keanu in a romantic comedy was unbelievable for me, personally. I don’t know why. But, when I watched it I understood. This movie is really funny and definitely worth the watch!


I Think We’re Alone Now | This was not expected at all. AT ALL! I am interested in stories with dystopian themes. I just really love that for some reason. This is a really good film, I’m telling you. Personally, I think Elle Fanning and Peter Dinklage have a really good on-screen chemistry. I don’t really know what to think about the age difference. I think you should just watch it and have your own ideas.


Please Stand By | This is another film that I enjoyed. I’ve got two Fanning’s on this list. They’re both great at their job. I really enjoy most of their work. This film was great. I don’t know if Dakota Fanning is on the autism spectrum and I don’t know if it’s right for her to play a role of a person with this condition. I think it’s very important for creatives to use their skills in showing the world how different people live. It helps with empathy and compassion. We need a lot of those.


How to Talk to Girls at Parties | The last movie on this post! This was really different and really weird. But is it good weird or very uncomfortable weird? That’s for you to decide. Nicole Kidman is in this one. I absolutely love her and everything she does! This movie is interesting and it make you really curious about the characters. 


Elle Fanning is in a lot of these movies. She’s doing really well and has good tastes in film. But, maybe she should read up on the projects she’s given. She has a movie with Woody Allen coming out and she once played a transgender teen. The only people who should play the role of a transgender person is a transgender person. I hope Elle continues to grow. ☾

The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society

I fell in love with The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society. I am a weakling for films about literature. I wish I knew about the novel before I watched the film. I think I would have enjoyed reading this. 

In 1946 a London-based writer begins exchanging letters with residents on the island of Guernsey, which was German-occupied during WWII. Feeling compelled to visit the island, she starts to get a picture of what it was like during the occupation.

I honestly don’t know how to feel about Lily James character or maybe it’s the acting. I’m not saying it’s bad, but I felt awkward. I love her. The other actors such as  Michiel Huisman, Penelope Wilton, Jessica Brown Findlay, Matthew Goode, and Katherine Parkinson were delightful to watch. I loved how the story was told. I love the coloring. I love the beautiful scenery. Please enjoy these still shots with me! 


The cinematography is definitely romantic and I was captivated by the stories that were told. You should definitely watch this film. This film is about history, love for people, bravery, and how literature helps people. I think that’s a wonderful collection. ☾